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Catalog 170 is the current catalog now being mailed out with orders.
Highball Productions and Railway Productions are now offering their newest DVDs widescreen formats. We carry the widescreen DVDs as separate line items on our web site. You will now be able to order either the standard full screen or the widescreen versions off the web. Some DVDs are offered ONLY in widescreen, however, so make sure you read the description text to make sure you get what you want. McMillan Publications is no longer listing VHS video tapes in its catalog. DVDs have taken over the market, and maintaining a dual inventory is just too expensive. We have a number of VHS tapes still in our inventory and some are listed on this web site, As tapes sell out, we will not reorder them and we will no longer special order VHS tapes.
TLC continues to announce a host of new books it has scheduled for publication. The release dates keep getting pushed back. We will carry most of the new books and will post them in the "New Releases" section as soon as they are in stock, however, we will not put them on the web site until they are received. It is our practice to not put items on the site until they are received in stock.
McMillan Publications will publish 6 color calendars for 2013: Santa Fe, BNSF, Union Pacific, Rio Grande, Norfolk Southern, and CSX. The single-copy price will be $14.95 plus shipping. Discounts will be offered for multiple copies: two for $26.90 (10% discount), $38.10 for three calendars (15% discount), and $11.95 each for four or more calendars (20% discount). This is the same pricing as last year.