Have you overlooked purchasing your 2025 McMillan Publications Calendar? We still have a supply of all six of our calendars: Santa Fe, BNSF, Rio Grande (standard gauge), Union Pacific, CSX, and Norfolk Southern.

All six of our 2025 Calendars are now on closeout for $8.00 each plus shipping ($7 for one calendar and $1 for each additional)


DVD: $869.00 TWD

C. Vision Productions takes you back in time to view ore hauling railroads from Minnesota and Michigan in the late 1950メs to the mid 1980メs from the films of Robert C. Anderson. Bobメs camera captures the last days of the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Rangeメs steam operations in 1959.ᅠᅠMissabeメs massive 2-8-8-4 Yellowstoneメs are seen hauling long ore trains across the iron range along with Missabeメs 500 series 2-10-2 locomotives in yard service.ᅠᅠWe are even treated to a cab ride in Yellowstone number 225! Then Bob treats us to the DM&IRメs diesel operations from 1972 to 1986.ᅠᅠSD-9メs and SD-18メs were common along with Alco C-630メs and newly acquired SD-38 dash 2メs.ᅠᅠSome non-ore action is seen around the Duluth area including the Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific and Chicago & North Western.ᅠᅠHighlights of other ore haulers are seen including Reserve Mining and U. S. Steel. Then it is off to the upper peninsula of Michigan where we find the Milwaukee Road hauling all rail taconite trains in the Iron Mountain region.ᅠᅠThe Lake Superior and Ishpeming is also featured with recently acquired Baltimore and Ohio Alco RSD-12メs. Finally, Bobメs camera captures the last days of the Chicago and North Westernメs FM locomotives in Ore service.ᅠᅠBob follows several FM led trains between Iron Mountain and Escanaba, Michigan.ᅠᅠYou will be amazed by not only seeing, but also hearing these giant locomotives grind up the grades of the Michigan North Country. Bring back the memories of these great ore haulers in Vintage Ore Railroads! Color silent films with narration, music and natural sound (CNW FMメs) List price $29.95, 76 minutes. SKU: VOREDVD. Posted 3-13-10.